anahata means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten”
In Sanskrit Anahata means “sound produced without touching two parts” and at the same time it means “pure” or “clean, stainless”. The name of this chakra signifies the state of freshness that appears when we are able to become detached and to look at the different and apparently contradictory experiences of life with a state of openness (expansion). Normally we are used that an effect is produced by the confrontation of the two opposite forces. At the level of Anahata chakra appears the possibility to integrate the two opposite forces and in this way to obtain the effect (sound, in this case), without the two forces to be confronted(without touching of the two parts). This energy is specific to cooperation and integration, which brings peace and a new perspective in a world which, up to this level (considering only the energies specific to the first three centres of force: Muladhara, Swasdhistana and Manipura) was made only of a more or less conscious confrontation between opposite forces. The name Anahata suggests, in fact, the synergic effect of the interaction of energies at this level.