Creation Experiences
The Silent Session
In this experience no words are exchanged by the subjects and the artist. Only non-verbal cues pass between subject and lens. This unique experience allows for fully self-guided expression without any external pressure to conform, or ‘be like’. This allows the subject to fully experience their body without ever allowing the question ‘is this beautiful’ or ‘does this look good’ to pass into the thought stream. Couples can focus on each other – and express and discuss the resultant art after it has been processed and is ready for viewing.
The Script Creatrix
In this experience we will develop a script before hand and work collaboratively to bring about your personal expression and the nuances of what you’re looking for. I will manage lighting, sound and camera to achieve an experience that will ring your heart and elevate your experiences.
Who Creates this Stuff?
The Artist
Has 25 years of experience behind still and moving cameras.
Well over 400 individual sessions with nudity.
Thousands of photography assignments, and still a explorative playful attitude.
Over 260 broadcast television episodes produced, and averaging 300,000 impressions a week in commercial advertising social media accounts.
The energy that emanates from the anahata (heart) chakra is freeing and expansive. When one’s energy is going downward toward lower consiousness, the chakra is expressed as connections to particularized matter in the form of likes and dislikes. When the energy is moving in a positive direction leads one toward spiritual liberation.
Why does this apply to our bodies? We are trapped in them, but ask to transcend them. Let’s make art that goes there together.